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Renowned Ukrainian Musicologist Falls in War

Ivan Kuzminskyi

The leading Ukrainian musicologist Ivan Kuzminskyi was killed by Russian forces during a combat mission in the Luhansk Region near the settlement of Dibrova. This heartbreaking incident was reported by the Berdychiv City Council.

Since the onset of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, Ivan had been an ardent defender of Ukraine, joining its ranks from the very beginning. He valiantly participated in the defense of Kyiv and later served in the 67th separate mechanized brigade, undertaking combat missions in the Bakhmut direction.

Ivan Kuzminskyi was graduated from the National Academy of Music in Kyiv, supervised by Professor Nina Gerasymova-Persydska. He successfully defended his candidate’s thesis “Origins, musical theory, and performance practice of partes polyphony.” Furthermore, he dedicated himself to researching medieval Ukrainian music, leaving behind a significant heritage. His remarkable scholarly contributions include several notable articles, which shed light on the rich heritage of Ukrainian music. Ivan’s works have delved into topics such as:

History of the Origin of the Bogurodzica Song. A Musical Monument of 1407

On the influence of the Catholic musical culture of Lviv and Vilnius on partes polyphony at the end of the 16th and during the 17th centuries

Account books of the Musical Chapel of Lviv Uniate Bishop Leon Szeptycki (1760–1779)

Joint and Divergent Elements in the Vilnius Treatises of the Second Half of the 17th Century: Musical Grammar by Mykola Dyletsky and Ars et Praxis Musica by Sigismundus Lauxmin

Ivan Kuzminskyi’s legacy extends far beyond his academic achievements. He embodied the spirit of a true patriot, fearlessly defending his country and its values. Ivan’s selfless dedication and unwavering determination serve as an inspiration to all who knew him.

He was 39 years old at the time of his death.